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Drag and drop part loading, move and rotate parts with your fingers, and zoom into your cutting area with a pinch. It’s easy, it’s simple, it’s like using your tablet - because it was designed to be that way.
Capture any position on the table, save it, and move back to that position with a simple tap. Easily recall where on the waterjet table that position is with the visual marker system.
Easily enable io outputs like water, abrasive and height sensors with a single tap.
Loading CNC Part files is as easy as drag and dropping the file onto the table.
Drag and drop several parts onto the table and they get added to your parts queue.
Control the X and Y Motion, as well as the Z-Height, all from one simple panel
See the overall time estimation of your cutting job and see what parts are up next at a glance.
Access more advanced control within each tool's pull-out drawer for further refinement
Get notifications when they happen so you can make quick, uptime-increasing decisions.
The radial parts menu gives you quick access to mirror, rotate, delete, reset and lock your parts right on the table. Need multiple instances of the same part - just use the array feature!
Move is 5-Axis capable right out of the box - no additional plugins or upgrades needed.
Control the vertical motion of multiple heads with one touch of a button.
Individually control IO outputs, like water and abrasive, for each head - then control outputs from a simple panel
Color-coded notifications keep you up to date on your project and the health of your waterjet.
Move accepts standard G-Code - not locking you into any specific software package to create parts.
Move automagically creates backups of the files needed to run your machine to minimize downtime in the event of a failure.
Designed from the ground up, Move is hands down the simplest CNC software available today and is powerful enough to fuel even the most demanding applications.
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